Sabtu, 28 Juni 2014

Agenda-Setting Theory of Maxwell McCombs & Donald Shaw

For some unexplained reason, in June 1972, five unknown men broke into the Democratic National Committe headquarters looking for undetermined information. It was the sort of local crime story that rated two paragraphs on page 17 of the --Washington Post--. Yet edition Ben Bradlee and reporters Bob woodward and Carl Bernstein gave the story repeatedly high visibility even thought  the public initially seemed to regard the incident as trivial.

President Nixon dismissed the break-in as a "third-rate burglary," but over the following year Americans showed an increasing public awareness of Water-gate's significance. Half the country became familiar with the word --Watergate-- over the summer of 1972. By April 1973, that figure had risen to 90 percent. When television began gavel-to-gavel coverage  of the Senate hearings on the matter a year after the break-in, virtually every adult in the United States knew what Watergate was about. Six months after the hearings President Nixon still protested,"I am not a crook." But by the spring of 1974, he was forced from office because the majority of citizens and their representatives had decided that he was. 


Journalism prefessors Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw regard Watergate as a perpect example of the agenda-setting function of the mass media. They were not surprised that  the Watergate issue caught fire after months on the front page of the --Washington Post--. McCombs and Shaw believe that the 'mass media have the ability to transfer the salience of items on their news agendas to the public agenda."1 (satu kecil ke atas) They arent suggesting that broadcast and print personnel make a deliberate attemp to  influence listener, viewer, or reader opinion on the issues. Most reporters in the free word have a deserved reputation for independence and fairness. But McCombs and Shaw  say that we look  to news  professionals for cues on where to focus our attention. " We judge as important what the media judge as important."2 (Dua kecil di atas)

Althought McCombs and Shaw first referred to the agenda-setting function of the media in 1972, the idea that people desire media assistance in determining political reality had already been voiced by a number of current event analysts. In an attempt to explain how to United States had been drawn into Wprd War I, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Walter Lippmann claimed that the media act as a mediator between "the world outside and the pictures in our heads."3 (Tiga kecil di atas) McCombs and Shaw also quote University of Wisconsin political scientist Bernard Cohen's observation concerning the specific function the media serve:" The press may not be succesful much of the time i telling people what to think, but it is stuningly succesful in telling its readers what to think about."4 ( Empat kecil ).

Starting with  the Kennedy-Nixon contest in 1960, political analyst Theodore White wrote the definitive account of four presidential elections. Independent of McCombs and Shaw, and in opposition  to then-current wisdom that mass communication had limited effects upon  its audience, White came to the conclusion that the media shaped those election campaigns:

The power of the press in America is a primordial one. It sets the agenda of public  discussion; and this sweeping political power in unrestrained by any law. It determines what people will talk and think about-an authority that in other antions is reserved for tyrants,priests, parties and mandarins.5 (Lima Kecil) 


McCombs and Shaw's agenda-setting theory found an appreciative audience  among mass communication researchers. The prevailing selective -exposure hypothesis claimed that people would attend only to news and views that didn't threaten their estabilished beliefs. The media were seen as merely stroking pre-existent attitudes. After two decades of downplaying the influence of newspapers, magazines, radio, and television, the field was disenchanted with this limited-effect approach. Agenda-setting theory boasted two attractive features: it reaffirmed the power of the press while still maintaining that individuals were free to choose.

McCombs and Shaw's agenda-setting theory represent a back-to-the-basics approach to mass communication research. Like the initial Erie Country voting studies,6 the focus is on election campaigns. The hypothesis predicts a cause-and-effect relationship between media content and voter perception. Although later work explores the conditions under which the media priorities are most influential, the theory rises or falls on it's ability to show a match between the media's agenda and  the public's agenda later on. McCombs and Shaw supported their main hypothesis with results from surveys they took while  working together  at the University of Nort Carolina at Chaper Hill.7 (McCombs is now at the University of Texas.) Their analysis of thee a-setting research. The study provides an opportunity  to examine in detail the type of quantitative survey research that  Stuart Hall and other critical theorists so strongly oppose. 


"Media agenda"
The pattern of news coverage across major print and broadcast media as measured by the prominence and length of stories.

McCombs and Shaw's first task was to measure the --media agenda--. They determined that Chapel Hill residents relied on a mix of nine print and broadcast sources for political news-two Raleigh papers, two Durham paperss,-- Time, Newsweek. the out of-state edition of the --New York Times--, and the CBS and NBC evening news.

They estabilished --position-- and --length-- of story as the two main criteria of prominence. For newspapaer, the front-page headline story, a three-column story on an inside page, and the lead editorial were all counted as evidence of significant focus on an issue.  For news magazines, the requirement was  an opening story in the news section or any political issue to which the editors devoted a full column. Prominence in the television news format was defined by placement as one of the first three news items or any discussion that lasted more than 45 seconds.

Because the agenda-setting hypotesis refers to substantive issues, the researchers discarded news items about campaign strategy, posisiton in the polls, and the personalities of the candidates. The remaining stories were then sorted into 15  subject categories, which were later boiled down into 5 major issues. A composite  index of media prominance revealed the following order of importance: foreign policy, law and order, fiscal policy, public welfare, and civil right.

In order to measure the --public's agenda--, McCombs and Shaw's asked Chapel Hill voters to outline  what each one considered the key issue of the campaign, regardless of what  the candidates  were dropped from the pool of respondent. The researchers assigned the specific answers to the same broad categories used for media analysis. They then compared the aggregate data from undecided voters with the composite description of media content. The rank of the five issues on both lists was nearly identical.

--Public agenda--
The most important publicy issues as measured by public opinion surveys.

EIGHTH EDITION International Edition 2012,EM GRIFFIN.Wheaton College

Senin, 23 Juni 2014

Hasil Latihan Translate Buat Berita Jakarta Globe Edisi 19 Juni 2014

Sumber :

Joko Sibuk Memproteksi Dengan Mengatakan Pasar Domestik Tidak Di dominasi Oleh Pihak Asing

Kandidate Presiden Indonesia Joko Widodo berbicara saat debat di sebuah telivisi dengan lawannya Prabowo Subianto di Jakarta, 15 Juni 2014. Joko mengatakan dalam debat ke kedua bahwa pasar domestik seharusnya tidak di dominasi dengan pihak asaing. ( Rueters Photo/Beawihatra)

Jakarta :  Kandidat presiden Joko Widodo telah menampilkan proteksinya dan garis nasionalis ketika telah merespon untuk menjawab pertanyaan Prabowo Subianto tentang bagaimana Indonesia harus memposisikan dirinya ketika menetapkan Asean Economic Community di tahun 2015.

"Pemerintah Indonesia harus, menjadi lapisan pertama. Semua pasar domestik harus  tidak  di dominasi dengan pihak asing." Ungkap Joko. Ia menambahkan  bahwa pemerintah akan menolong dengan ketangguhan aturan regulasi tingkat atas untuk produk asing untuk memasuki pasar Indonesia."Ini adalah faktor untuk wajah kita tahun depan."

Joko kemudian mengatakan tentang diskriminasi dengan hati-hati terhadap pihak asing ketika mereka datang untuk masalah izin usaha.

Seperti untuk masalah perizinan, kita akan memudahkan dan proses investor lokal lebih cepat. Mereka yang dari luar negeri, akan lebih di halangi untuk sebuah pencegahan. Saya tidak mempunyai hal itu untuk  memberi  instruksi gamblang. Kita akan memiliki hal tersebut dengan cara ini" Ungkap jokowi." Kita akan terbuka, tetapi dengan diam-diam, kita akan  membangun lagi regulasi kita."

Meskipun Joko percaya ekonomi Indonesia adalah dalam permorma baik dan pengusaha Indonesia memiliki kemampuan untuk mengelola untuk membuat banyak terobosan untuk menembus pasar asing. usaha untuk mendorong dari proteksi adalah wajib.

Di sana seharusnya regulasi yang dibuat menghalang-halangi jadi akan tidak mudah  datang di pasar kita. Ungkap Jokowi.

Dengan menganggap pertanyaan Prabowo mengenai apakah Indonesia harus meninjau kontrak dengan investor asing, bahwa mungkin menempatkan negara dalam sebuah kerugian. Jokowi mengatakan " Kita harus menghormati semua kontrak yang sudah di tanda tangani/disepakati. Tidak hanya semua itu saja kita rubah dengan tiba-tiba." tuturnya.

Joko menyoroti mengenai kepedulian terhadap kontrak yang sudah ada sangat penting  untuk mempertahankan keyakinan baik untuk investasi di Indonesia.

Tetapi ketika semua kontrak tersebut sudah habis masa waktu nya, sesungguhnya kita kalkulasi. Apakah kita akan mengambil aset kita atau tidak, salah satu hal tersebut adalah melalui SEO { State Owned Enterprises } ( penguasa/direktur perusahaan) atau semua perantaraannya. Tetapi saya ingin untuk menekankan bahwa hanya apabila konstitusi mengatakan suka, semua sumber daya alam, adalah seharusnya sudah digunakan  untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat umum."

Aldian Taloputra, pengamat ekonomi di Mandiri Sekuritas  mengatakan ada beberapa ketidak jelasan dalam banyak tanggapan Joko.

Untuk masalah investasi, itu adalah suatu topik yang sangat sensitif," dia mengatakan. "Saya pikir kita masih bisa melihat realitas beberapa negara melakukan pemikiran yang sama [ membuat  hal itu lebih sulit untuk investasi pihak asing di setiap negara]. Tetapi Jokowi tidak menjadi bersih terhadap apa saja  jenis batas yang ia harus bawa jika itu terjadi. Ini merupakan pertanyaan yang bagus untuk melihat apa yang menjadi pendirian kandidat terhadap pihak asing dalam penetapan Asean Economic Community."

Sementara itu, Prabowo tidak mengeluarkan suara terhadap pendirian dalam hal tersebut, melalui hal ini. Saya pikir pertanyaan harus sudah juga di tanyakan kepadanya {Prabowo}." Aldian mengatakan. Dan saya pikir, mungkin  Apa yang Jokowi sedang coba untuk mengatakan negara harus menjadi lebih  bijaksana dalam menyambut pihak asing datang di Negara Indonesia."

Hm...Semoga Info nya bermanfaat ^_^....Sekalian juga buat latihan...Monggo komentarnya...

Kamis, 19 Juni 2014

Integrasi Sosial dan Budaya Indonesia

Secara sederhana Integrasi Sosial Budaya dapat di artikan sebagai penggabungan dari berbagai aspek yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan sosial dan budaya. Dalam kamus besar bahasa Indonesia kata Integrasi berarti penyatuan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa integrasi Sosial Budaya merupakan sarana terpenting dalam menjaga keutuhan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI). Integrasi Sosial Budaya Indonesia  adalah beranekaragam suku dan ras, beraneka ragam agama, beraneka ragam budaya maupun beraneka ragam golongan di Indonesia, tetapi kita satu adanya yaitu Bangsa Indonesia.
Sebagai bangsa yang cinta terhadap tanah air Indonesia, kita saat ini tidak harus mengorbankan nyawa untuk menjaga persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa. Hal sederhana yang perlu kita jaga adalah saling menghormati serta menjaga cita-cita luhur pahlawan bangsa ketika memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Bisa dibayangkan bagaimana pengorbanan pahlawan terdahulu berjuang dan bersatu untuk mengusir penjajah dari tanah air Indonesia.
Dengan semangat BINEKA TUNGGGAL IKA, “walaupun berbeda-beda tetapi tetap satu”. Para pahlawan  terdahulu telah berjuang tanpa kenal lelah. Semangat PANCASILA serta kesungguhan hati untuk saling menjaga dan mempertahankan tanah air Indonesia hingga titik darah penghabisan menjadi modal utama bagi para pejuang terdahulu untuk mempertahankan kemerdekaan indonesia. Para pahlawan berjuang dengan penuh semangat dan gagah berani mengorbanka jiwa, harta dan raga untuk menjadikan Negara Indonesia menjadi Negara merdeka dan bebas dari jajahan bangsa asing.
Perjuangan yang telah dilakukan pahlawan Indonesia terdahulu dapat kita jadikan motivasi untuk terus membangun Indonesia menjadi Negara yang lebih baik. Landasan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 merupakan pedoman yang kokoh bangsa indonesia dalam menjalin  harmoni dan keberagaman dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Hal ini direalisasikan dalam satu kesepakatan atau konsensus nasional melalui sumpah pemuda pada tanggal 28 Oktober 1928 antara lain:
Kami putra dan putri Indonesia mengaku:
1.                  bertanah air satu,tanah air indonesia.
2.                  berbangsa satu,bangsa Indonesia.
3.                  berbahasa satu,bahasa Indonesia.
                Dengan begitu Integrasi  dapat tertanam disetiap generasi Indonesia. Kepercayaan yang tulus dan ikhlas dari masyarkat Indonesia untuk tetap saling tenggang rasa dalam keberagaman sosial dan budaya menjadi modal utama dalam membangun  persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa

- Di akses Jumat, 18 April 2014 Pukul 03.38 WIB

My Rule for Life Harmony

Some time i think, what can i do for making a good life save the Earth ? When i saw grasses in my house and clean my environment with continue, it's time for me to do some think better for Earth. But, only that i can do for save the Earth ?

I am a part from citizent in the word. My Parent always teach me to help people with love and happy. I live in Indonesia and learn about rule in Indonesia. Indonesia have 4 pillar for citizent rule. Pancasila, Undang-Undang Dasar, Bhineka Tunggal Ika and NKRI. All of them is my rule life in Indonesia.

My be for me, it's the  important point for people in Indonesia. We can save the Earth with freindly from Bhineka Tunggal Ika because Bineka Tunggal Ika is how to make different people  freindly, how to belive about power from god.


In indonesia i know about law from netherland. Indonesia learn about law from Netherland because from netherland many people in Indonesia must work hard before freedom. three century indonesia people must follow government and policy from netherland.

After indonesia freedom 17 Agust 1945, Indonesia make four pillar for making a good government in Indonesia. As we know indonesia have three orde from Government such as Orde Lama or Old Orde, Orde Baru or New orde and Reformation.

Right know people from Indonesia try to concern about reformation orde and make democracy with love and freindship from other people. From history, i learn how to understand rule to make a good life in the word.

All people want to a good life but what we can do for a good life in the word. So right know belive about peace and freindly.

From government i learn about rule in my life. Constitution in Indonesia have 3 constitution is Legislatif, Eksecutive and Yudicative. So, reality i know colaboration from my rule in my life and rule from government must same for goal to save the Earth and make a good for people from all of the word.

Constitution not only for Politic or Government but olso it's a center of the role for citizen people. We know about many rule from other country like islam rule, anglo saxon rule from Europe country and rule from people life.

System from rule is always making people understand about responsiblity for life in the word. My rule is citizent of earth is always active and give contribution for my social community. Simple i do is making relationship with honesly, responsibililty and care about environment.

Some time, production and exploration making environment not good such as, dangerous chemical from industry, burn forrest and minimize space for green space for people.

What we do for that ? Try to understand social and environment in people life. For me, i life in Indonesia. So, i can try to learn, and agree about rule from Indonesia. I know, not only agree but understand how to do that.

From education i know, we learn about rule in life. Perception from people is different but people belive about a good life in the word. Rule is important for all people in the word. With rule people try to do better in their life.

Many segmentation from rule. Politic, Economy, Military, and Social must have rule. We must know, rule function is help people and making people life happy and harmony in the word.

Don't think about rule can make a bad people or making a bad leadership. We must belive rule can making a good people. If the rule wrong, we can evaluate for better next time.

Confortable life with environment is a important rule in my life. I belive, all rule from anyting like me i belive rule from holy Qur'an because i am muslim and i know about how to save the Earth from holy Qur'an. I think, not only from Holy Qur'an but i belive from injil and everyting book from other religion is belive to save the Earth with love harmony with environment.

I like learn about rule from leadership from another country. As i know i proud about Nelson Mandela a good leadership from Africa.Former president Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush also praised Mandela as a champion of freedom, human dignity and equality.

I think we can have a value from them to understand about rule bacause i am a citizen in the word. So, a good value must i have from a good leadership.

I belive, we can start to do a good rule for citizen is doing rule with love, happy and harmony. Belive about life  elaborate with environment and always think about how to save the Earth and making inovation to continue a good life for next future.